Diagnosed with cancer last week

Hello! Following an X-ray which showed a collapsed lung after pertussis, I had a CT scan and, totally unexpectedly, I have been told I have cancer in my left lung, liver, lymph nodes, kidneys, adrenal gland and pancreas. I was expecting to discuss treatment of the collapsed lung and nothing else.  My partner accompanied me to the appointment and we were just shell-shocked as the list got longer.  I was also told it is likely I’ll move straight to chemo once the primary is diagnosed and the focus will be on pain management and managing my symptoms.

Two days after being told this, I had an urgent brain MRI, bronchoscopy and EBUS on the same day.  am hoping for the results of what the primary cancer is to come through soon but feeling totally in shock at present. I am on pain medication and trying to come to terms with everything. As I am sure, many of you have experienced, telling my parents, sister, family and friends has been awful and very upsetting. I am female and 53.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write this. 

  • Hello Loobylooby, 

    Thank you for coming here and sharing your story. It must have come as a shock to be told you have cancer and it can be really unsettling not to know where the primary was and I hope that you will get the results very soon and find out where the primary was quickly. It's a time of uncertainty for you as you are waiting to get all these important results and I hope that in the meantime, the pain medication is helping a little bit. 

    I hope that you can start treatment very soon once you know for sure what the primary is. You will probably have questions or may simply want to talk things through as you are waiting to find out all the details of your diagnosis so I thought I would share the number of our nurse helpline with you - you can call our cancer nurses on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    It can be so hard to find the right words to tell your loved ones and I hope that they are ok and that you can comfort one another during this challenging time. 

    Other members of our community have been in a similar place before having to deal with the difficulty of finding the primary cancer and I hope that they will come and say hello and share their story with you. 

    Best wishes,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you for your words. Diagnosed today with Small Cell Lung Cancer. Chemo starting next week. All vey quick but at least I have a path to follow now..