Kidney Cancer maybe affecting Liver

Hi everyone,

I have recently had a two day stay in Hospital. The consultants told me my right side Kidney was cancerous but I am now waiting for an out-patients appointment for a Biopsy. In hospital the staff were lovely although my wife wasn't present when they gave me the news about my kidney. They have given me liquid morphine to help with the pain although I only use it when necessary. The Biopsy is to find out whether the cancer in my kidney has spread to my liver, in which case nothing can be done. If it hasn't I can just have the right kidney removed. Has anyone else had a similar diagnosis. To be honest, my wife and I are quite scared and now being an out-patient makes me think I will be forgotten.

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat Julian although I'm sorry to hear you have kidney cancer.

    Waiting for a biopsy to find out if it is has spread must be very stressful but I'm glad you've reached out to us as many of our members will know what you and your wife are going through right now, so you are not alone Julian, and I'm sure some of them will stop by soon to offer their support and advice.

    If you or your wife would like to discuss any of this further with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very easy to talk to and will do all they can to answer your questions and support you whilst you wait.

    We're thinking of you Julian and will have our fingers crossed your biopsy results will show the cancer hasn't spread to your liver.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Dear Steph,

    Thank you for your reply and your good wishes. I am currently awaiting a call from Hospice nurses regarding palliative care and pain control, but I have noted the number and if I need to chat with anyone, I will most certainly give them a ring. I really am a little overwhelmed by all of this but I suspect it will be become much clearer when I know the results of my Biopsy,

    Kind regards
