Crippling Health Anxiety

Hi all,

I have had severe health anxiety for years and years which started after my twin boys were born. I convinced myself at 30 I had dementia after a simple hernia op made me so ill with anxiety. I've tried everything over the years including CBT, mindfulness etc. however it just gets so bad in waves. I am now so so worried about brain tumours all the time. I had a virus in May and it caused vertigo which has been ongoing, I've been diagnosed with post viral fatigue, BPPV...all sorts but I'm starting slowly to feel less dizzy. Yesterday I was given Bethastine and took one last night. Whilst I was drifting off I had mild pain above my ear in the head, it lasted a few seconds then went and happened again 3 times in succession. I then googled an it came up with ice pick aches...I haven't slept since as brain tumour came up on everything. I haven't had since although I feel a mild feeling there but maybe where I'm thinking about it all the time. My life has been ruined for 10 years and now I'm at breaking point. My mum had breast cancer last year and I had a bowel cancer scare. I feel so bad because I haven't had anything so far and people struggle with cancer every day. The Wanted boyband guy with a tumour died and he is younger than me...I'm 40. I give to the charity and am sorry for posting this as people have had a torrid time. I just wanted to know how people cope. 

  • I'm exactly the same as you as my worry is always breast cancer, nothing seems to help my anxiety so I'm off to the doctor's again Monday.

    Do you worry about your children's health too? 

    You are not alone in this worry  

  • Yep, I worry so much although I can use a bit more common sense when it comes to others health. It's so hard when you fixate so much on it isn't it. The GPs have had enough of me I think.

    I really want to message them on Monday about the headache thing that happened but I think they will just dismiss it. I want to know if all ice pick headaches are always bad but sound stupid. I know from CBT that ruminating is the worst thing but cannot help it at all. I've tried everything now. I really hope you have a good appointment on Monday. I would recommend CBT if you haven't had it before. 

  • I completely understand how you feel. It's debilitating. 

    Nothing anyone says or does helps.

    My GAD  anxiety and health anxiety are off the scale .

    I google constantly and I know shouldn't but when your like this you literally can't help it.

    I'm medicated for it.  Had counselling lots of times. Nothing helps.

    The last 3 years I've been undergoing pancreatic tests its been awful.  

    Colposcopies blah blah.

    Got another upcoming. 

    I'm beyond worried.  

    When the anxiety really kicks off ie health I get really hot, shaky  , feel sick 

    Answer to your question about coping.

    I have to take propanalol it's a beta blocker . And calms.

    Just know your not on your own even though we feel like we are x

  • Thank you, kind of you to reply. I've had two colonoscopy's. Good luck for the upcoming one! 

    Debilitating is the best word to describe it. Counselling has never worked for me, CBT doesn't anymore and I'm on propanalol too and sertraline 200mg. Beta blocker calms but it's so constant at the moment and makes my heart feel quite slow which is the idea I suppose. 

    Thing is, the more elevated the anxiety, the more symptoms come along and the hyper awareness goes off the scale. This morning, my eyes feel a bit funny when looking at a screen....probably tired eyes or the new meds but I'm looking at booking an opticians appointment asap just incase...I've done this so many times and all has been fine. I focused on my heart beat after reading something a few weeks ago, thought it was too slow then went to the hospital! ECG all fine. Anxiety is evil. 

    I really hope you find a way through it! 

    It's seems like a day at a time sometimes! 

  • It's definitely a day at a time. 

    Do you have a partner you can talk too? Do you think if you had a brain scan n it was clear you'd be happy with life or do you think another health issue would come along to worry about.

    I ask as when I got a clear mammogram I found something else to worry about x

  • She's sick of it and is quite a tough person where as I'm as sensitive as they come. She has put up a lot with my health anxiety. To be fair, I'd probably be relieved until a new symptom came along. Such  a hard one. I was thinking of privately having an MRI and putting it on the credit card

    I felt souch better until then weird head things then it's set me off. Sometimes I can go weeks without worry then it can hit me for months.