First diagnosis: I have been told I have cancer in my lungs and liver after a ct scan

I’ve recently been told I have cancer in my lungs and liver after a ct scan. I also have trouble swallowing so I’m awaiting an ultrasound on my thyroid with a biopsy and an endoscopy which are both booked for the next week. 
how do I process this? I’m 58 a Nanny to 3 beautiful grandchildren and Mum of 2. I’m terrified. I’m going between being oh well I’ll be ok to well perhaps they got it wrong and that’s it I’m going to die. 
I know they haven’t diagnosed the primary yet and I won’t know till the tests are completed so haven’t got a treatment plan apart from morphine and steroids to help with the pain. 
any advice would be appreciated to get me through this as I’m a very practical person and like to plan so this has completely rocked me off my axis and I’m not sure how to deal with what’s happening. 
thank you to anyone who replies to me. 

  • Hi Mummysparkle,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I hope you are getting on OK - I am sure this must be incredibly difficult and a lot to process.

    It sounds like you are waiting for further tests and to find out more about this. This uncertainty in the meantime is probably tough to deal with, and once you have the information you need and an idea of next steps, it may help a little.

    I hope it's not long for you to wait to find out more. Try to take things a day at a time while you wait, and some find it helpful to try to keep busy and focus on other things as much as possible - which can be easier said than done.

    We are always here for support on the forum whenever you need it. Hopefully you'll get some more replies to your post soon - you can also browse or search the forum (using the bar at the top of the page) for other discussions and people to connect with, if you would like to.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Mummysparkle, 

    i have just posted for the first time and it looks like we are in similar positions playing the waiting game waiting for results. I am totally lost too with exactly the same things running through my head. I wanted to send you a virtual hug so you know you’re not alone xxx

  • It’s so tough isn’t it? Thank you for replying it’s nice to hear from someone in the same position. Hugs right back to you xx

  • Thanks and I’ll be thinking of you on your journey too xx