Sallie - diagnosed with anal cancer. Can radiotherapy be restarted if it has been interrupted?

Hello all. 

I was diagnosed with Anal cancer stage 2 last March and started chemoradiotherapy in June this year 2024. After 15 sessions I was diagnosed with delirious pneumonia and was taken into hospital. I really was poorly and had missed some sessions of treatment as I didn't know what day or time it was . My Oncologist who I don't really like, has stopped all my treatment as he said I have dementia and he couldn't 'risk' me stopping again if he restarts treatment. To keep him happy I have had dementia tests which show I 100% do not have dementia. He won't restart my treatment or give me a scan for a couple of months but says he will monitor me for two years and then give me toxic chemotherapy. I know I need to find  another oncologist but have seen a colleague of his who won't disagree with him. My GP doesn't seem to be able to find another oncologist near to me and I'm 79 and live on my own so really wouldn't be able to travel far. Does anyone know if radiotherapy treatment can be restarted if it has been interrupted ?

  • Hi Sallie, 

    It's a shame your treatment had to be interrupted and I am sorry to hear you were so poorly and treatment had to be stopped as a result. It sounds like you haven't felt supported by your oncologist and it's a bit odd that he thought you had dementia when you didn't and I can understand why you are wondering why they won't restart treatment. I think it would be a good idea to find another oncologist and you did well to see a colleague of his - our website has useful information on getting a second opinion you might wish to have a look at. I hope that you can find another oncologist near you or talk to someone who can advise you further on this. There is information on our website on chemoradiotherapy for anal cancer 

    Feel free also to ring our nurse helpline on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and they may be able to tell you more about this or point you in the right direction. 

    Other members of our community have had a similar diagnosis and treatment plan and I hope that they will come along and share their experiences with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator