Hu, ive been reading everyones posts while waited for my appointment after finding a alarge hard lump. I had an appointment within a week snd tofay had a mammogram and ultrsound. The radiograoher said they were simple cysts 3cm and 1.5cm and driained them bith, they completely went but this evening when ive come to bed i can still feel s lump like its come back but not as large, in feeling more worried now than befire, the lumps eere moveable and smooth and i kind of knew they were cysts but therea was an area at the top that felt like a thickening now the lump is gard and bumpy. Is it possoble for things to be hidden by cysts and is it normal for then to fill uo sk quickly. They said i had sknebribybines in bith breasts.
they said im now on register for next two years as i may get more and they may refil but so quickly?? do i keave it ir call them tonrrow?