Dad has non treatable lung cancer

Hello, Dad has un treatable lung cancer and is not being told what to expect other than he has about 6 months left. Mum's on her knees with all of it and I'm miles away trying to help in what ever way I can. So that's my question, what does happen in the final stages? 

We're a practical family and can handle anything as long as we know what to expect. What's a good source of information?

Thank you fat any help you can provide. 

  • Welcome to the Cancer Chat community Sailingblu although I'm so sorry to hear about your dad.

    We have a section about dying with cancer on our website, including information on what happens in the final weeks and days, that I hope you will find useful but if you have any further questions do feel free to give our cancer nurses a call on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. 

    A lot of our members have sadly lost loved ones to cancer as well, so will know how difficult this time must be for you and your family so you are not alone Sailingblu, and I'm sure it won't be long until some of them stop by to share their experiences and advice.

    We're thinking of you Sailingblu and sending all our support your way.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator