My wife has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer

My wife saw her GP about a month ago with bloating. He urgently referred her for ann ultrasound scan. This was followed by a CT scan and an appointment with a gynaecologist who broke the news. She is now due a biopsy tomorrow which if I understand it correctly will confirm the exact type of cancer. Only then can a treatment plan be considered. 
it goes without saying the last few weeks have felt like years. Neither of us is eating much. My wife has trouble keeping food down because of the bloating which we have been told is due to a fluid buildup. 
I am trying hard to support her in every way but in truth we are both so scared of what is to come. 

  • Hi David1950,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to hear of the situation with your wife - I'm sure it has been a difficult time, and I hope it's not long to wait to get the information you need. Hopefully once you get this, it will help a little in terms of understanding next steps.

    I can understand it must be tough for both of you. I hope that this forum can be of some help to you - it usually helps to speak to others, so do try to get any support from those around you, and also on the forum here, that you can. There are also organisations that can help if at any point you feel you need it, such as Macmillan and Maggie's.

    As I say, I hope you find out more soon. And we are always here if you need it.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you Ben for your supportive message. 
    my wife had another appointment with the gynaecologist this week. We understood that the biopsy results were available and was expecting a discussion about surgery. 
    what we heard was that the cancer was stage 4a. Surgery was not an option but she was being referred to another hospital to discuss chemotherapy. When asked if it was terminal I think he said yes. I know we should have pressed harder for a definitive answer but we were in complete shock. My wife is not sleeping and due to stress and bloating hardly able to eat. I try to be positive and encourage her but I feel so helpless..

  • Hello David1950

    I'm very sorry to hear about the news you were given at your wife's appointment earlier last week. Undoubtedly this will have been difficult news to hear and understandable that you're both feeling in shock. 

    Hopefully she won't have to wait too long for the appointment with the oncology team and they will be able to give you a clearer picture about the outlook. In the meantime, I wonder if you might find it helpful to talk things through with one of our nurses. I know they will be happy to offer any advice, information and support they can along with helping you think about any questions that the two of you may want to ask the Oncologist. If you'd like to talk with them they're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Keep in touch David1950 and let us know how you're both coping. We're here to listen and offer any support that we can. 

    Sending you both my best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator