Scan anxiety - stage 3 nsclc six month scan due soon

Hi stage 3 nsclc six month scan coming up and the feeling of dread is constant

  • Hi Fierce,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sure this is something that many others here can relate to. I hope it's not long to wait for the appointment - try to keep busy in the meantime while you wait, to help keep your mind on other things.

    Hopefully you'll get some more replies soon from other members of the forum - you can also browse or search other discussions on here if you'd like to reach out to others.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • I know exactly how you feel 

    I had cancer in both lungs, 5 yrs apart, lassurgery November 23 chemo finished April 24. My 3 month scan is next week (13th August )

    Dont be alarmed at my reoccurrence 5 yrs apart.  My second cancer was initially seen when first was found but it was not reported on, however it remained stable for 5yrs before starting to change and it was a different type to first one that was removed. 
    having been in this position I know it’s a worry and sometimes never totally goes away but do try to stay positive. It’s half the battle as hard as it is to do

    i wish you well and hope your results are good news x

  • Offline in reply to Hutchi

    Thank you for your wisdom and advice I am going on the premise that I feel really well and hopefully I'll get a result that will say N.E.D
