
Hi. My name is Andy. I've got Mantle Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. I have been through my R-CHOP Nordic and have tried for a stem cell donation but failed to produce enough. Now moving forward with maintenance immunotherapy 2 monthly.

Nordic hit hard. It was a rough time. 2 episodes of sepsis and one of renal failure, but I got through it and remained positive throughout. 

I now have some issues with weakness in my right arm - I had/have a DVT in that arm, and had line sepsis from a PICC there too.

Seeing consultant next week, so I suspect a few tests to follow.

Just glad to be healthy enough to move on with a new version of my life.

Hello all.


  • Hi Andy, 

    Welcome to Cancer Chat.

    I'm sorry to hear you have Mantle Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and about some of the difficulties you've had with your treatment. It sounds like it has been very tough at times but I'm glad you're managing to stay positive and I hope all goes well with your maintenance immunotherapy, and your appointment next week.

    I do hope some of our members who have this diagnosis will stop by when they can to introduce themselves and share their experiences and advice but in the meantime, if there is anything you'd like to discuss further with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Do keep posting if you find it helps Andy, and remember that we'll always be here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator