Here we are again: my husband has stage 4 colon cancer

In my fifties -  25 odd  years ago I had breast cancer - the works

, including chemo and radiotherapy. I was in my fifties, working, got though it, and I became a regional ambassador for CRUK.

And now, at 80,  my husband of (nearly) 60:years has  colon cancer which has spread a bit to the lungs. Came out of the blue - just felt a bit tired i.e. couldn’t do the 30 miles on his bike.

so we swung into action, of course. It’s stage 4. And having worked with CRUk I’m quite awa re of what this means.

He’s very fit - or was  - so neo adjuvant chemo was prescribed, to try to clear the lungs and enable bowel resection. 

The first cycle of chemo has wiped him out; he’s had every side effect x 10 and is so weak. We are wondering about quality of life, with such a low chance of effectiveness, and enjoying our last few years to the full.

Not looking for answers - that’s up to us, but I’d really, really welcome some thoughts, my friends.

thank you.

here we are again (I will change this!)

  • Hi Crabbie, 

    I hope you won't mind but I have added some more information to the title of your thread so that it can be spotted by others who have had a stage 4 colon cancer diagnosis  or who are like you, looking after a loved one with colon cancer. Here we are again, as you say and sadly it's not a place where you really want to be again - you already had breast cancer in your fifties and I am pleased you recovered well from it and it's amazing that you went on to become a regional ambassador for CRUK. Thank you so much for your commitment and support! 

    Poor you having to go through a cancer diagnosis again this time by seeing your husband go through chemotherapy treatment. It's good that he is very fit and was cycling 30 miles before and that will no doubt be a plus, but I am so sorry to hear that he has suffered so many side effects. Do talk to his medical team about these debilitating side effects and they will hopefully have some good suggestions for you so that he doesn't suffer too much while going through treatment. If you have any questions too about his treatment or side effects, don't hesitate to ring our cancer nurses to talk things through with them - they are available on this free number 0808 800 4040  and their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    I will now let our members who have been through something similar come and say hello and share their story with you. 

    Wishing your husband the very best of luck for his treatment - I hope that things improve for him soon and that the side effects subside. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator