Father has lung and brain cancer

On the 16th of July , my dad was attending his heart check up , that morning he woke and his left side didn’t feel normal, by the time he got to his appointment his left hand had no grasp and he was dragging his left leg, immediately the doctor thought he’d had a stroke and after tests through out the day he was told he had lung cancer and brain cancer, today he had a lung biopsy, but as of yet no full ct scan or mri? His been in hospital since and no one is saying anything or giving a timeline ? When he can go home or anything. Has anyone experienced this? And is this time frame normal with biopsy etc. I feel it’s very laid bag and no rush. He is 72 and in poor health with his heart aswell. What questions should I be asking ? 

  • Hi - so sorry to hear about your Dad and sorry  for any typos and it’s late at night! . In  our experience with my Dad the biopsy will determine the type of lung cancer (there are different types) and the other scans (CT and MRI) will look at where and how advanced things are. my Dad has small cell lung cancer which has spread to his brain (and that is very common with this type of lung cancer) It’s very frustrating waiting for answers tbh but in the mean time go to the official websites and they will help you to get a list of the questions you need to ask. Write down in advance anything you want to ask and don’t be worried about feeling under pressure to be in and out (.like a GP appointment!) In our experience you can wait a long time to see Consultants etc as the system is under pressure - not sure where you are but sometimes we have waited up to 2 hours to see the Consultant at our Oncology appointment so take things that will make the waiting time comfortable. As your Dad is still in hospital hopefully the CT/MRI will be being  arranged- just to let you know an MRI is the best way of determining what is happening in the brain- not a CT scan so push for the MRI.. My dad is 77 and after being very well after chemo and immunotherapy for about a year has deteriorated very quickly in the last week and is in Hospital and we are trying to get him home asap. I hope that sone of the above will help and support you and sending best wishes - you are not alone! (But sometimes it feels like that) 

  • My dad is in Ireland, and it’s very hard as I’m in the uk. Speaking to him on the phone , his moods have changed and in my opinion his speech is more slow,  he has a pacemaker fitted so they only scan on certain day and who would believe it ! The machine is broke. His very short tempered on the phone ( maybe scared) His on steroids dexamethasone, and the usual heart meds his been taking and now on palexia for pain relief. It’s just the waiting for answers and to what care he will need. His heart consultant has told me on the phone that his borderline for any treatment over his poor health. So it’s just waiting now to see what the results show up.