Esophagectomy survivor, Desi B with a PMA

Hi all 

im new to the site as in writing a post but read some amazing stories just want to put mine done on paper to share some hope and good feelings.

I’ve just survived 4 rounds of FLOT,esophagectomy with major complications leak in connection where it’s joined and 4 more rounds of FLOT starting 7th aug, the histology on my Tumor said there was cancer cells at the margins under macro scopic procedures my surgeon said he taken it all away along with 37 lymph node’s 12 of which had cancer cell under microscopic procedures, so as you can imagine I’m really in bits right now but if there’s one thing I can say is keep your PMA (positive mental attitude) with you always, I had the ward in stitches with this saying when I was in there and I was in for just under 3 months because of the complications I had, I also made some new very good new friends and keep in touch via text message who were also going through some real tough times, my wife, daughter and grandchildren ( boy age 2, girl age 10) gave me hope and encouragement to fight this nasty disease and I’m still here keeping my PMA  and hope one day a Costa coffee with my new friends all of which will be remembering our time on the ward because of positive mental attitude,wishing everyone on here you guessed it 

PMA   Desi B

  • This is such a lovely inspirational post, Stasha. You've definitely shared a lot of hope and good feelings and I think that just from reading you, your incredible PMA will be infectious (in the best possible way!). 

    It sounds like you made some lovely friends in the ward and it's so nice you've kept in touch via text. I am so glad your wife, daughter and grandchildren were there to support you every step of the way. A Costa Coffee with your new friends sounds like a real treat. I hope that you can organise this soon and enjoy that celebratory coffee together. 

    Keep in touch Stasha on how things progress for you and keep sending us your good vibes!

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hiya Lucie 

    thankyou so much for your reply to my post I’ve not been on here for long and it’s usually not my thing but I thought it would help with my own personal journey and also help others with their anxiety and personal challenges that this truly awful disease can place upon us all no matter what form it takes, I truly do believe that being positive as much as you can in such negative situations can really make a difference, Im just finishing my first round from my 2nd bout of chemo mop up chemo there calling and still got my home pump attached so good mopping sessions required no nasty left overs and got another scan booked for tomorrow (Friday 9th) so again going with my PMA in tow as always so far it’s been a roller coaster of a ride throughout and if I could make a proper amusement ride out of this journey I would make a fortune, joking aside I will keep al updated with positive vibes.

    thankyou again x