Expat lung cancer patient in Portugal

Hi,I was diagnosed with lung cancer some 6 weeks and am due to have my first chemo cycle this afternoon,carboplatin + pemetrexed.

The  tumour is too large to remove by surgery,so it requires shrinking to facilitate a removal.

although not fully confirmed,I was a smoker who gave up 21 years ago,according to my oncologist the tumour can sit there and just needs a trigger to become active,so beware all you ex smokers,it can still get you!

I would like to add how superb the medical team that has been caring for me here in Portugal,I have nothing but praise for the way my cancer care has progressed,I trust that this afternoon will continue with the same duty of care.

  • Stopped smoking 36 years ago and diagnosed with lung cancer this year! 

    Hope all goes well for you and pleased to hear that your cancer care is praiseworthy.

    Happy to say that I've been cared for exceptionally well by an excellent London based hospital trust.

  • Hi Sharza,I thought my cancer was a long time but 36 years for your diagnosis,hope your treatment is progressing well.

    Today is my second day of treatment,I have a stinker of a headache,made much worse by bending my head,I’m not dehydrated having taken a litre of water during last night,but it’s very early days I appreciate that,some more grotty days going forward.

    boa sorte,or good luck!

  • Had a lobectomy less than four months ago and no additional treatment needed. Didn't need any treatment pre-op, thank God.

    What treatment are you having? And sorry that you've got a bad headache - horrible. 

    I guess, once the tumor has got smaller, you'll be having a lobectomy. 

    Not that you asked for my advice, but here's some anyway.... Eat well and get as fit as you are able before the surgery. 

    Bon chance (ps I'm not even French!!) 

  • Hi well done for not needing to shrink your tumour.

    I am initially on 2 chemo cycles of carboplatin-pemetrexed to shrink the tumour from its present size of 6cm square,then another CT scan to gauge if the lobectomy can be removed if still too large for extrication back to 3 or 4th chemo,yuk!

    Thanks for any advice,appreciated,

    boa sorte is Portuguese, much more romantic than common or garden French!

  • Do hope the two chemo cycles are sufficient to shrink the tumour enough to do the lobectomy and that you don't have too bad side effects from the chemo.

    Hope Google's correct when I say dedos cruzados.

  • I have everything crossed Sharza,but the more the merrier I guess,can’t do any harm,many thanks for your great attempt at Portuguese.

    Light exercise still permitted,inc swimming and short walk,but not to get out of breath,so it will be a quick swim later in our pool,usually 20 lengths,but now down to 12,weather 33° today,pool at 29°,I enjoy the sun but under strict instructions from oncologist to stay out of UV rays,so will have to wear sleeved T shirt,not much of a cross to bear is it!?

    Stay safe and take care going forward.

  • Sooner you than me. 23 degrees is enough for me and the thought of even being outside, let alone in a sleeved t-shirt, in that heat doesn't bear thinking about. Each to their own!

    Wishing you all the best.