BC Survivor

I was diagnosed in Sept 22 with BC, mastectomy in Oct 22, chemo using cold cap so didn’t lose my hair. Radiotherapy in May 23 Herceptin til Feb 24. Just had reconstruction surgery DIEP flap. Feel like a success story so would like to help anyone get through a similar diagnosis 

  • Hello DebbieP021

    I just wanted to post to say welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing a brief outline of your cancer journey. I'm sure that there have been some difficult times since your diagnosis 18 months ago but it's great to hear that you're now through that process and you're feeling so well. 

    I'm sure that at some point in the future, your story will help another person who finds themselves facing a similar journey. 

    Sending my best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi DebbieP021, well done for getting through all this treatment. I was diagnosed in January and have recently finished chemo and felt reasonably well throughout. I'm now waiting for a mastectomy, with diep flap reconstruction being done at the same time. I'm a bit anxious about the recovery post surgery and wondered how you're finding it?

  • To be honest I have been really well. Obviously there will be things you wont be able to do, drive, heavy lifting, etc, for a couple of weeks but I am just over 5 weeks post op and would consider myself back to normal. Stomach feel a little tight so not sure if that is a permanent thing but everything else is fine. I think before the op I was extremely nervous but now I think I worried a little too much. Good luck with your op!