Recently diagnosed with meningioma

Hi all, when I was 5 years old I had a Cerabellar Astrocytoma which was successfully removed, recently I have been diagnosed with a meningioma on the left side frontal. I am now 48 years old.  It has been two weeks since diagnosed in A and E and am yet to hear about an MRI scan I had at the hospital although my details have been passed on.  Any support would be appreciated. Thankyou all. 

  • Hello Ersaj

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been told that you have a meningioma and that since being seen in A&E two weeks ago you've had no further update. It's understandable that you have questions and concerns about things. 

    We do have some information about meningioma on our website that may be useful for you and if you'd like to talk with one of our nurses for further support and advice you can call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    In regards to having had no contact from the hospital, I'd suggest contacting the hospital PALS department. It's part of their role to help resolve concerns or problems when you're using the NHS. 

    Hopefully you will have an update soon. Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator