Pre Cancer stage 2

Hello everyone,

I never thought I would be in this position of feeling really scared , but reading on this sight you are all pretty amazing, My mother died of bowel cancer so when I passed a streak of blood which I thought may have been through straining, the pain was so bad I went to A&E, they sent me to our main hospital who arranged a colonoscopy, 5 weeks later I had it done, 5 polyps removed and they found 2 lesions 4mm and 8mm, they told at the time it looked like a AN1 , a week later surgery to remove it,  I was contacted and told today it is pre cancer histology grading it as 2, so seeing consultant Monday to discuss with his team he says further treatment.

Does any one know and this is a big ask  what the may be considering as further treatment I know 4 and 8 mm is small thank god not CM but really scared by it all, believe it or not I provide care to those nearing end of life and have seen a lot over the years, But have lost my common sense since the conversation yesterday and today with my doctor.

  • Welcome to the forum sen although I'm sorry to hear the lesions that were found during your colonoscopy have been classed as pre-cancer.

    I know this must be very scary but we are here for you sen, and I'm sure you will hear from some of our members who have been in a similar situation soon.

    Although they won't be able to say for sure, our cancer nurses may be able to offer some insight on what treatment may be offered so if you'd like to speak to them about this, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're really easy to talk to and will do all that they can to answer your questions and put your mind at ease about what may happen next.

    The next few days are going to be tough for sure, but we're thinking of you sen and wishing you all the best for Monday.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator