Docetaxel for IDC

Hi everyone. I've recently completed 3 rounds of EC for grade 3 IDC breast cancer (after a successful lumpectomy but a high Oncotype score). This Friday I start my first of 3 Docetaxel rounds with Zoledronic acid infusion. I had relatively minor side effects with the EC. I'm scalp cooling and still have quite a lot of hair. I know that Docetaxel is more harsh and can cause worse/different side effects to EC. Does anyone have any experience of this regime - especially in regard to hair loss? I've been pretty relaxed so far but I'm anxious about the change and losing the hair I still have! TIA.

  • Hi KarenJW. Sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with IDC. I too was diagnosed with grade 3 IDC in January. I had my chemo first and am awaiting a mastectomy. I completed 3 cycles of EC and 4 cycles of docetaxel, with minimal side effects throughout. I had been very anxious about starting docetaxel, after reading all the possdide side effect. However,  I didn't find it too bad at all, I hope this is a bit reassuring. I didn't cold cap and lost my hair while on EC. It started to grow back before my last cycle if docetaxel. Hope all goes well for you on the docetaxel. Xx

  • Hi Pippin24. Thank you so much for your reassuring reply. I'm glad your experience with both EC & Docetaxel were manageable. The side effects of Docetaxel are quite daunting aren't they? I think I'm anxious because I feel lucky to have had a fairly easy time so far. Hopefully, like you, the side effects won't be as bad as I'm imagining. I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery when you have your mastectomy xx

  • Glad to hear that you are reassured after reading my comment. I did use a product called polybalm at the start of my chemo and have had no issues with my nails, which I had been worried about. My surgery will be in a few weeks, as I will also be having a diep flap reconstruction. I need to see the plastic surgeon next, who works alongside the breast surgeon. They have to work out a time when they will both be available. I'm hoping that I can go on holiday for a couple or weeks before surgery and relax for a while. Keep in touch and let me know how things go with the docetaxel. Xx