Stage1 breast cancer

Hello my name is pat  , i was diagnosed in march with stage 1 grade2 invasive ductal cancer. I have had  lumpectomy and radiotherapy. The prognosis is good , however I cannot get my brain into positive mode , and just feel negative all the time.   I have got better as time has gone on , but my negativety wont go away ! Just keep thinking it will eventually come back !!  Is it normal to feel like this ?? Does anyone else feel like this ! 

  • Hi Pat,

    A very warm welcome to our forum. I am glad to hear that you have had your lumpectomy and radiotherapy. Unfortunately, worry about reoccurrence, goes with the territory, with cancer and it is something that we eventually have to come to terms with. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer myself and know just how devastating it can be, when this happens. Both bouts occurred within a year of each other, but that was 15 years ago now and my worry has never completely gone away. However, it has decreased with the passage of time. 

    Life is too short to let the fear of reoccurrence rule it. Keep trying to become more positive and try to only mix with positive people. This helps a lot. Have you attended any of the courses run by Breast Cancer UK, or other support groups? These can be helpful to assist you in moving forward. You are fortunate that your cancer is stage 1 and that it carries a good prognosis. You will also find that speaking to others, who have similar concerns, can help you. There is always someone to talk to on this forum. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi jolamine , thank you for your message and kind thoughts and advice !!

  • Hi there. I too am Stage 1. I have had a lumpectomy and am about to start radiotherapy in a weeks time. I completely understand how you feel. I was shocked when told I had cancer. No one in my family has it and you start to feel hopeless. But the last answer was spot on. We have to live our lives our prognosis is good so we should feel great. However, I wanted a full body scan after diagnosis, I wanted some proof it was only in my breast. Sadly, that test doesn't exist. I did have bleeding after stopping HRT and had to have a Hysteroscopy and am waiting for the results which gives me extra anxiety It's the night time that's worse. But I have felt aches and pains due to osteoarthritis and now starting Anastrozole doesn't help. But we WILL get through it. Try not to worry easy to say but feel comforted there is someone to speak to anytime on this forum

  • Hello chloe-w thank you for your kind words !! Im doing ok , its definately getting easier as time goes on !! Just part of my life now and I need to get used to it !! Like you ,  there is none in the family , so was a terrible shock too !! Now that I know the type of cancer etc that  i have had , i have been reading up on it , and the outcome is very encouraging which has helped me a lot to be more positive !! 

    All my treatment is finished now and my oncologist has referred me back to my consultant , who I see next week . Not sure on the next steps regarding mamograms, timescale  etc !!!

    I hope you are doing ok . You seem to be a strong lady.  You will be fine with radiotherapy ,I actually found it quite easy , and the staff are so lovely and reassuring ,!! I did feel better after the therapy , was just another stage in the journey !!! I hope all goes well for you .

    Thanks again pat x

  • Hi again Pat.  Can I just ask how many minutes per day and how many days you had treatment. I need to ask them too which cream they suggest for after treatment. I was watching some YouTube stuff and a woman on there said to drink 4 litres per day of water. That’s tough but obviously useful. She mentioned a water based cream but no name. 
    I have had a tough year with personal issues to start off, so I don’t feel I’m very strong, but thank you for your comments. I think it’s useful to speak to others in the same similar position. My first port of call for assistance at the hospital wasn’t the most helpful and couldn’t answer my questions. But the nurses on here are amazing. Good luck with your continued progression. Anytime you want to reach out please do. xx C

  • Hi chloe, I had 5 days radiotherapy to the whole breast and another 5 which were boosters to the tumour site - so 10days in total ,!! Each session lasts about 30mins max - the radiotherapy beams  takes minutes , its just the getting into the correct position for the radiologists to be happy , that takes time . I had very little in way of side effects - little bit of sunburn and peeling but nothing else.

    I had a planning appointment few weeks before treatment started , presume you have had this , or are going for it .

    I used E 45 mosturiser as suggested at hospital , I used it twice a day. Water was never suggested, but I drink water daily anyway.

    Im sorry you have had a tough year, you certainly didnt need all this as well. 

    I agree talking certainly helps ,  you know you are not alone . If you need any further info, please contact me anytime, more than happy to help if I can !! Keep in touch pat x

  • Thank you Pattyanne I  have five days to do and yes was told it takes longer to get into position than the therapy. 
    yes the staff were lovely at the pre appointment to put the tattoos on. I wasn’t a fan of that but in truth it’s nothing really. I just don’t know why they need to be permanent!!Just another reminder of the badness. 
    Sometimes you think what else is going to happen. I had to stop HRT due to the cancer. I had only been on it for a year but it did help my joints. I have arthritis and osteoarthritis, so taking the Anastrozole hasn’t helped.  When I stopped the HRT I bled, which then made me think I’d got cancer elsewhere. I had a Hysteroscopy and am waiting the results. Why does it take so long?? The NHS fasttrack you when you have cancer which is great but still the wait. The bleeding stopped after about three weeks so I think it was the immediate cessation of taking HRT that caused me to bleed. But still I need to know it’s all ok. 
    Did you have any problems with your arm. My right arm is in agony due to having it over the mammogram machine for 20 mins. I think the physio said it was a rotator cuff injury and will take 8 months to heal. You don’t need it do you   Anyway thanks for the support. Where are you now in your treatment journey?

  • Hi chloe , i didnt have tattoos , there was clips put in at time of surgery, dont know if thats the same thing @ 

    I was never on hrt as I had a hysterectomy years ago and also had a breast problem years ago - all benign , but doctor didnt want me on hrt for that reason !!

    Poor you with your arthritis etc   thats all you need on top of everything  else .Hope its not too long till you get results , as thats the worst part of the whole journey .i coped with surgery and therapy, but not the waiting for results.

    No probs with my arms, tho with putting my arms above my head during therapy was some days bit uncomfortable. Small price to pay.

    My journey I think is finished now. I am officially cancer free.  I see my consultant end of month - got a list of questions for him haha !! Think will just be checks now , and my letrozole for 5 yrs.

    Please keep in touch Chloe and let me know how you get on . Be thinking bout you !! Pat x

  • Hi oh that sounds great. I always wonder after treatment do you say I had cancer or I had cancer I guess the latter as they got rid of it. I’m so pleased for you. You sound so positive and that’s how I’ve tried to be. I have groin pains too on left side with a pinched nerve which the pain is so chronic. Am seeing a chiropractor for that. Ha ha. I. can cope with the arm and the cancer but the issues at the beginning of the year personally and my groin are the  worst.   I was referring to the tattoos you have before radiotherapy those little dots!!  Those little staple things were blooming awful So painful. Some people on here were saying they were setting alarms off in shops. You have to laugh. So pleased I have been able to chat to you. Take care Pattyanne sleep well.

  • Lovely to talk to you  too chloe ! Got everything crossed for you - take care pat x