Colon Cancer!!!!

Good evening all, so glad to have found this chat. It’s great to have support and to be able to discuss our diagnoses honestly and openly. I found out this morning that I have colon cancer, and my head is spinning. I am a 66 year old wife, mum and grandma, who felt in relative good health, so it is a massive shock. But there it is - cancer does it’s own thing, with no care for who, why, where or when? I hope we can keep each other positive and grounded as we move forward, and thank you for just being there

  • Hi Kathywilk, 

    A warm welcome to our forum and I am so sorry to hear about your recent colon cancer diagnosis and it's completely understandable that your head is spinning after being hit hard by the news. This is a feeling so many members of our forum will be able to relate to and I hope that they will be along shortly to say hello and share their cancer story with you. 

    You will meet quite a few other members here who have had a colon cancer diagnosis and it will bring you comfort to be there for one another as you move forward through treatment together. If you type 'colon cancer' in our forum search function which is located at the top, you will find other recent threads from members of our community who have had a colon cancer diagnosis and don't hesitate to respond to any you would like to connect with. 

    I hope that you will hear from others who have had colon cancer or are currently going through treatment and they will pop by shortly and say hello. We're all here for you Kathywilk anytime you need to offload or talk to others who understand how you are feeling at the moment. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you Lucie, for the lovely welcome. It’s good to know we are there for each other, it’s so important to “talk”. Very much appreciate your care