Living with side effects of pelvic radiotherapy 19 years after treatment.

As a result of pelvic radiotherapy 19 yrs ago, I have strictures in my colon and small intestine and bile acid malabsorption. Intermittently I have episodes of severe vomiting, followed by diarrhoea. This is nothing like a bug it follows a pattern and loss of well being that are completely distinctive. There doesn’t appear to be a trigger if there is it is very subtle, more like long term poisoning. Can anyone identify with this?

  • Hi Pebble67, 

    Poor you, this sounds awful and it must be very comfortable for you and it must be really frustrating that you can't find any identifiable trigger. I hope that you will hear from others here who have had similar side effects after pelvic radiotherapy. I know you had treatment 19 years ago now but it might be worth if you haven't done so already bringing this up with your GP and explaining your issues in detail. I hope that they will be able to prescribe something to help ease these symptoms and also that they will identify what the cause of this might be, if it is linked to your pelvic radiotherapy treatment and what the triggers might be, if there is a way of identifying these triggers if there are some.

    You are also welcome to talk to one of our cancer nurses about this by ringing them on this free helpline 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Pebble 

    Have you looked into Pelvic Radiation Disease (PRD)? I too have some long-term after effects from pelvic radiotherapy and I've found some useful information online about this. 


  • Hi Haylzz
    Pelvic radiation disease is a such a difficult thing to live with. Low Fodmap diet has helped and been the most effective alongside Cholestagel tablets for the bile acid malabsorption. However, randomly I still have severe bouts of vomiting sometimes ending up in hospital due to dehydration. Which can be very unpleasant. Hope you are managing ok.BW.