Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in April.  Had 6 sessions of chemo so far - 4 more to come before surgery and radiotherapy.  Trying to stay positive is so hard when you can't sleep and you have all these thoughts flying around your head.

  • Hi Sixtyeight, 

    How are the chemotherapy sessions going for you? Well done for having completed 6 so far you're more than half way through if you only have 4 more to come. There is information on our website on Triple negative breast cancer including on the main types of treatment which are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It's completely understandable that you sometimes struggle to keep positive especially if you are having difficulty sleeping and it's when you're lying there awake at night that those thoughts come flying around your head and it can be difficult to shake them off. This is also what this forum is for, if you ever feel you can't sleep and you want to offload and talk to others who understand how you are feeling. 

    It can also be comforting to talk to others who have had a similar diagnosis and I've had a little look around the forum and found for example that this member  posted 3 months ago about their triple negative breast cancer diagnosis so it sounds like they were diagnosed at around the same time as you - feel free to respond on that thread where you will find others like  ,  who also had treatment for triple negative breast cancer so rest assured you are not alone here and I hope someone will be along shortly to share their experience and Triple Negative Breast Cancer story with you. 

    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with our cancer nurses on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    I hope that your remaining chemotherapy sessions go well and that the treatment is effective and with minimal side effects.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Sixtyeight

    How are you doing today?  I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer last August and had 6 rounds of chemo (I only had 2 of the Taxel as I just couldn't tolerate it, then 4 of EC).  I had a lumpectomy in April with removal of 2 sentinal nodes for biopsy which came back clear. They also said my pathology results showed no signs of cancer and nothing was showing any more on ultrasound or MRI.  I had immunotherapy alongside chemo from day 1 and am continuing that every 6 weeks for another 3 more sessions (I've lost count how many I've had!).  Chemo finished in March and my hair is now coming back really well, along with eyebrows and eyelashes (only lost brows and lashes when I had EC, hair came out with both). 

    Don't beat yourself up about feeling down and can't be positive all the time.  I was like that too.  But remember this; it is temporary.  Those three words were spoken to me by a McMillan nurse when I was having a hard time and honestly, it was the best boost I could have had.  But also know that it's is ok to not be ok.  You don't have to be positive all the time, it's exhausting!  Have a cry, be angry, but don't let it be all consuming.  I was pretty poorly during chemo and wasn't able to do much in the way of exercise, but friends rallied and when I was feeling a little better between sessions, they would pick me up and take me out to a garden centre or for a coffee etc so I didn't have to drive.  Don't be afraid to ask for help.  I found that was the hardest thing for me.  Asking for help.  I've lived alone for the past 25 years or so, so am pretty independent and that was the bit I found the toughest..

    Surgery for me was absolutely fine.  It took about 3 hours in total and the surgical team both pre and post surgery were amazing. I have very little scarring and you'd need to look closely to see where the stitches were (and quite frankly at age 60, no-one's getting that close except medical folk lol). 

    I start radiotherapy today for 9 sessions.  I've had my planning and pre-consultation sessions and they are confident I should get through it with minimum side effects, maybe a little soreness akin to sunburn apparently.  So I've taken their advice, have been moisturising regularly and will continue to do so throughout treatment.

    I hope the remaining chemo sessions go smoothly and with minimum side effects. 

    Am here if you need me. 

    Carol xx

  • Hi Lucie

    Thank you very much for the information and taking the time to look for people in almost the same position as me.  I see Carol has responded and it is so comforting to read what other people are going through and how they are dealing with it.  Family and friends have been amazing but it makes a difference hearing from people that know exactly how you feel.

    Angela x

  • Hi Carol

    Thank you so much for your response, it really helped me a lot.  Reading what you have gone/are going through certainly makes me know I am not alone.  Although family and friends have been amazing, it is difficult for them to understand how I'm feeling (sometimes I don't even know).  

    I need to think more about "it is temporary" because I seem to be stuck just now thinking it will never end.  Since I'm getting the treatment weekly now, I should have 4 more sessions before the surgery.  Looking forward to the surgery is not the right words but I want to be at that stage so I'm a step closer to the end.

    I really appreciate the time you've taken to respond and I hope your radiotherapy sessions go well.  Take care.

    Angela x