Bev - partner told he has bladder cancer before the results from the biopsy have come back. We're so worried

Hi, my partner has had a cystoscopy, biopsy and cystodiathermy on 4th July. Before he had it done the surgeon came round to speak to him, he said he had seen plenty of bladder cancer and can confirm before doing his biopsy he has bladder cancer! After the surgery he came round again and said yes it is, and that they have cut into the muscle to see if it had spread, spoke about what treatment he might have.

We are worried sick, only just had a letter come through today with a phone call appointment on the 22nd August this seems like a long time to wait for his results.

I'm wondering if the surgeon should of said all that to us?

I'm going out of my mind, and so is my  partner obviously he is more worried than I am. 

On the plus side we both have stopped smoking lol 

Just needed to get it of my chest. Sorry for babbling on! And thanks for reading x