Metastatic cancer

Hello my name is  Hanky I am a 78 year old lady and I live in Dorset.  I have  metastatic bone cancer from kidney cancer.  My oncologist refers to it as metastatic kidney cancer.  There is no cure and so far I have lived 2 1/2 years with it.   I am on tablets Axinitab and immunotherapy every other week which hopefully keeps if from spreading any more.  At the moment it is in all my bones and base of skull.

Does any one else have experience of this cancer?

  • Hi Hanky I've also got metastatic cervical cancer in my chest now and micro cancers in my system. I've been looking into immunotherapies as I'm at the beginning of this, but I thought the dentritic cell therapies and CAR-NK cell therapies looked promising but means travelling abroad... I'm putting my flat on the market this next few weeks to try to raise the capital, but please google these cell therapies. I believe the CAR-HK cell therapy costs around £80,000 but the dentritic cell therapy costs around £16,000 and can get done in the UK... Best wishes xxx

  • Hi Jules thank you for your message.  I will most certainly look into those treatments. I wish you all the very best in selling your flat but most of all in treatment.

    Please do let me know how you get on.

    take care
