Ontology results tomorrow

Hi I'm new to this. I was diagnosed with grade 2 left breast cancer on 30/5/24. I mentioned at my followup appointment that I had been having shoulder blade and arm pain for about 6 months. But they told me that I didn't need a scan as on ultrasound my lymph nodes looked clear. 3 weeks ago I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy. I have my followup tomorrow for the ontology results. I am terrified, as the pain has steadily gotten worse. Has anyone else had this?

  • Welcome to the forum, Bluetit54.

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and the pain you're experiencing.

    I hope your appointment went well yesterday and that you received some clarity.

    While I can't provide medical advice, I hope others here who have had similar experiences can share their stories and offer some reassurance. The other thing I wanted to add is that you might also find this information about breast cancer helpful, if you feel like having a read.

    Once you can, please come back and let us know how you're getting on. 

    Best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Renata

    Thank you for your reply. It has been so helpful reading the supportive messages here. I feel less alone in my fear. 

    It is heartbreaking that anyone has to be part of this club that everyone of us doesn’t want to be a part of. 

    I wish everyone on this journey the very best. 

    I had my follow up yesterday following my lumpectomy and SLNB. They got it with clear margins and 1 out of 3 lymph nodes were cancerous. 

    Now waiting on Oncotype test to come back in the next couple of weeks. 

    I have been in a very dark place for the last couple of months. Reading the positive messages has kept my mind focused. It’s an uphill battle, but without these messages and the support of my family, It would have been a more difficult journey. x