How can I support my friend? She's recently finished chemo but the cancer has spread to her lymph nodes

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i made a lovely new friend, we met through our daughters friendship and this mum is lovely.

She soon told me that she has recently finished her chemotherapy and has checkups. Unfortunately her last mri was supposed to be 6 months ago and the doctors have not so much been hands on with her care. 
it’s now spreading to her lymph nodes. We had a long talk yesterday I wish there was something more I can do to help Supprt her. She is such a vibrant lovely lady and her family are so loving too. 
I suppose this part of me is pretty selfish of me that I don’t want to lose this lovely friendship - which is rare for me since I’m much an introvert.

Thank you for reading my post 

  • Hello Pandypaw, so sorry to hear about your friend.  I also have breast cancer that has spread to my lymph nodes and also my lungs.  The best way to support your friend is to listen to her when she wants to talk and just do as you are already doing.  Just be there for her.  There's nothing selfish in wanting to hold on to your friendship with this lady, she sounds lovely.  No-one can predict how long your friend will live.  With treatment she could live for quite a few years........HOWEVER, Cancer is extremely unpredictable, and you can never tell how aggressive (or not) it will become.  Also, you might find that your friend has fluctuating moods.  Please don't take it personally.  Having cancer (especially when it becomes metastatic) is deeply traumatizing and it can change our personality.  One minute we can be up, the next minute down.  I wish your friend well, and good luck to you, she is lucky to have a friend like you.  Sorry I could not offer more words of comfort, xx

  • Thank you Blue-girl

    Your message was reassuring. I appreciate you reaching out.

    i have noticed some sporadic changes mostly with schedules and not explanation but I am pretty easy going and understand that things are constantly changing and hectic.

    thanks again for reading my post