New to the forum

Hi. New to the forum after lying here for hours googling! 

I found a lump in my breast 10 days ago. GP was wonderful and referred me immediately for further testing. Upon reading my notes from the consultation the doctor has noted its a 3cm hard lump. I was contacted immediately by the breast clinic to book the appointment however they couldn't fit me in before I go on holiday tomorrow. I asked to be put on a cancellation waiting list and have been hoping to get a call but haven't heard anything. I will now have to wait until 12th August to be seen by the breast clinic.i know it's not their fault, I just wish the appointment they offered me was closer to the beginning of the holiday and maybe we could have delayed departure for a day or two. 

The lump is on the outer side of my right breast. I have to sleep on my left side due to acid reflux and a recent diagnosis of a hiatal hernia,  and sometimes the lump is causing me pain whereby I cannot get to sleep, or it wakes me up. Wearing a bra can be painful too. 

I have had a lump in my left breast 2 years ago which was a cyst, only that lump was small and squishy. Everyone around me keeps telling me not to worry, it'll just be a cyst again but you know what it's like and I lie here most nights thinking the worst. Sometimes I cannot find the lump but right now it's very prominent and I can feel it every time I move my arm. 

I just hope this delay to me attending the breast clinic isn't going to cause any issues if the lump is something more serious than a cyst. This is something else keeping me awake at night. 

I've had endometriosis for 20 years. Years of medication later I started with bowel issues which led to a colonoscopy 2 years ago. After all the tests it was concluded the medication (naproxen and others like this) had caused problems with my stomach lining. I am not allowed to use them now. That led to acid reflux. After 12 months I pushed for further investigation and the resultant endoscopy found a 6cm hiatal hernia. A couple months later and more medication I started with bowel issues again and the most recent colonoscopy was clear again meaning it was the medication causing the problems again. And now 4 weeks later I found this lump. I feel my body hates me! There is always something. 

I also think my family cannot think the worst after the recent loss of my father in law who was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour at the end of December and had passed away within 8 weeks. This is too much for them and I cannot tell them how I'm really feeling due to their stress and the fact that I always seem to be ill! 

  • Welcome to the forum, Princessluna.

    It's completely understandable that you're feeling anxious after finding the lump and having to wait for your appointment although I'm glad to hear that your GP responded promptly and referred you to the breast clinic.

    The waiting period can be incredibly stressful, especially with everything else you're managing health-wise. It sounds like you're going through a lot, and it's tough not being able to share your worries with your family due to their own stress. 

    Hopefully, others who have had similar experiences will come along shortly to offer advice. That being said, if you feel like asking some questions to our team of nurses prior to your appointment, they'd be happy to chat with Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m on this freephone 0808 800 4040.

    Take care, and I hope your appointment goes well on the 12th. 

    All the best,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator