Newly diagnosed DCIS

Just saying hello and introducing myself. I originally joined as my husband had cancer. Sadly, he came to the end of his cancer journey 18 months ago.

So, now it's my turn!

I was recalled after my most recent mammogram as they'd found calcifications.  Following a mammogram guided biopsy (that was a fun experience  - not!) DCIS was diagnosed. I had a wide local excision a week ago, and go for follow up and histology results in a week's time. 

I do feel a bit of a fraud, as its not an invasive cancer (unless results show otherwise, but I've no reason to think they will), but that doesn't stop the niggling worries and the anxiety of waiting for results. I was really quite relaxed about it, until I read of so many people who have needed further excision as margins were not clear. Suddenly, what I'd thought of as a nice 'easy-to-treat' condition seems not necessarily so easy, at all!  I know that the biopsy showed both intermediate and high grade DCIS, but as the area is small, I'm obviously hoping surgery will be sufficient,  although I do understand  that radiotherapy might be needed.

So, I'm playing the waiting game. Wish me luck!