Sue - husband has been sent home with cancer and no support

My husbands has just been told he has lungs and liver cancer. Don't think there can give him treatment. Came home with pain killers. He side a paper so we can not bring him back if everything stops. no he want to be at home .have not got any help from a nurse are anyone..he up and down in pain not eating properly. Have to wait for nurse to help when he had a test .but the doctor at the hospita has already said he will not get few this .how long do I wait to get nurse to come and help

  • Hello Sue

    I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis. It's understandable that you have some concerns especially as he's been discharged home from the hospital and you have no support. 

    Please contact his GP first thing tomorrow morning. Let the surgery know what has happened and that you need help with his care and pain management. They will be able to arrange for the support that you both need. 

    If you want to talk with one of our nurses for some advice and support you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    Keep in touch and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you I will let you no 

  • I rang doctors give him more pain killers. And sickness tablets. Waiting for a test to been done .it just something want they do to see want it is .but there all reddy said there nothing can be done .my husband is not very nice angry most of time .won't  talk to anyone from hospital. He said he go for test . Everything I try to do is wrong. Don't get right shopping. Complain all the time .very nasty. But see ok with his grandkids. No help yet doctor did not see him I went to cemist and got his pain killers. Thanks for letting have a rant .don't no want else I can do .