Scary times

So, a couple of weeks ago, I went to my GP as my right breast seemed to flatten at the bottom and pucker when I raised my arm. It is where all my stretch marks are, so assumed it was related to that. GP couldn't find a lump, but still referred me to the breast clinic. 

Fast forward to yesterday. Mammogram and ultrasound, they found a lump, which is tiny and practically undetectable without the mammogram and ultrasound.

Consultant has advised its highly suspicious and she is very confident it's breast cancer. Biopsy done, but she really felt this was a formality to confirm....never expected that at all, just can't function or think straight.

  • Hi joolse123

    diagnosis can be quite a thing, I was told two weeks ago so from being someone with not a care in the world to someone who had to have some awful conversations with family and close friends that I have cancer. I have a tumour already too big for surgery which they hope can be reduced by a course of chemotherapy then radiotherapy then if I’m lucky surgery. Stick in there I am guessing as awful thehe word is you have a fighting chance and worrying has never achieved anything at all to the best of my knowledge