New friendship

Hi so previously I mentioned about a new friendship that developed shortly before my friend got diagnosed with incurable cancer stemming from breast and is now just only a week in from first chemo so on the lead up we had talks and was all for you know help but when found out the treatment plan was going to be harsh nothing much was said and she made it firm she didn't need help so I texted her after 4 days after first chemo and she wasxfinding it rough said been told will defo loose her hair in week 2 so I've said how's thisxweek been and what she would like to talk about so it's not all cancer focused.

Just need extra tips though, she said she would like to tell me when she not feeling so poorly so I will message her as to not overwhelm her say on Thurs but I'll just send her something random unrelated because her well established friends she given constant updates and i wanted to not do that she knows I'm here for her but she wants to remain in control 

  • Hello loveladies

    I'm sorry to hear about all that your friend is going through. It sounds like you are trying to be considerate of their feelings but what I would say is try not to overthink things. Send your friend a message when you feel they may be open to hearing from you. If they feel up to messaging I'm sure they will reply. 

    I can see that Moderator Lucie previously gave you the link to the information on our website about supporting someone with cancer. I've linked it for you again in case you want to re-read through that. 

    I hope that your friend's treatment runs as smoothly as possible. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator