Waiting for results after punch biopsy for suspected skin cancer

I had a punch biopsy for suspected skin cancer on my nose a month ago tom, I am still waiting on results,  they said I may need further surgery & radiotherapy but will know more when lab results are back.  I am not sleeping as so anxious, we are meant to go abroad in Sept, but know I might have to cancel, is it normal to wait a month for results? I was fast tracked for the biopsy, am I just being impatient? Hubby said to phone the hospital but not sure what to do. Any advice folks?? 

  • Ring the hospital or speak to your gp then they can chase it up. I've recently been diagnosed with skin cancer in 2 places and im now waiting for a plastic surgeon appointment. I have been told theres a back log so it might be a while. It doesnt help with the worry. Try to think positive and know that treatment is available whatever the outcome. 

  • Hi Juliemj

    Thanks for your reply.

    I have now had a letter from the consultant,and am on a waiting list for mohs surgery, which is approx 10 months, so can't be that serious. Would be nice to talk to them about this though, but at least I can go on my hols now x