Prostate cancer

Hi , I’m 57 , male , haven’t really been told much , so I’ve got a copy of the results from ,MIR, Hisopathology and PET . 
so it looks like a T4 , Gleason 9 (4+5) Grade 5 .and on top of that , a lung disease ? Which I partly understand, some of the results its a completely new Termanology to me , my first oncology appointment is another 3 weeks away so I’m hoping I will get answers then . They have answers one question, yes I have it , it the next two I  would like to know ? Treatable , or how long , I’ve been put on Bicalutamide (Casodex), to start with , first infection next week . I’m also going to try Rick Simpson high THC treatment , be interested if anyone else has looked into this . 
keep fighting, 

  • Good morning Rembrandt and welcome to the forum although I'm sorry to hear about the news that brings you here. 

    It's understandable that this is a worrying time for you and that you have lots of unanswered questions about your diagnosis. Hopefully, when you see the oncologist they will be able to give you some answers but in the meantime, we have information about prostate cancer on our website that may be helpful for you. 

    We have a few chaps active here in the Cancer Chat community who are living with prostate cancer and hopefully, some of them will post to share their experiences with you soon. in the meantime, if you'd like to read through some of the posts where other members have shared their prostate cancer journies you can find them using the forum search function at the top of the page. 

    You've mentioned in your post that you're planning to try Rick Simpson high THC treatment. 

    With regards to this, there are plenty of unsafe and inaccurate websites that recommend or sell unlicensed cannabis products and it’s understandable that this can be extremely confusing. CBD oil comes from the flowers of the cannabis plant and does not contain the psychoactive substance THC. It can be sold in the UK as a food supplement but not as a medicine. There is no evidence to support its use as a medicine and no evidence to suggest it is in any way a cure for cancer.

    THC (Cannabis oil) however comes from the flowers, leaves, and stalks of the cannabis plant. Cannabis oil often contains high levels of the psychoactive ingredient THC and for this reason, Cannabis oil is classed as a class B drug and is illegal in the UK. You cannot buy this product from a licensed supplier.

    It's completely understandable you want to do all you can but any alternative therapies being considered or used should really be discussed with a medical professional first. Not only is THC illegal, but because it’s unregulated these products might be contaminated with harmful substances and vary in strength. Taking cannabis oil could also potentially interfere with other cancer treatments and can carry other side effects and risks so it's important that if you do decide to try this route you talk with your doctors. 

    We have some information about cannabis, CBD oil and cancer on our website and you might want to also read through our science blog for more information. If you'd like to talk things through with one of our team of nurses you're most welcome to give them a call. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice, information, and support they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope that your first injection next week goes smoothly and that the Oncology appointment in a few weeks gives you some answers and reassurance about the recommended next steps. 

    Keep in touch Rembrandt and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you for that  Jenn , I am a registered cannabis patient ,  have been using it years for my accusing spondylitis . And other joint pain , and has been more effective the all the pill I’ve been given . And guess what chemo kills , , THC has been used and has help in some patients. It not a cure but may help . So I will try this avenue what do we have to loss Jenn , we are the biggest growers of medicine cannabis in Europe . But not available to UK residents . 

  • Hello Rembrandt

    Please do let the Oncology team know at your appointment that this is something that you plan to do so that they are aware in case of any adverse reactions to the treatments that they recommend. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • I will Jen , I want   to know if it is something that will help work along with hormone treatment, 

    thank you Jenn