Gary - good days and bad days living with stage 4 colorectal cancer

Hi, I am stage 4 colorectal cancer patient diagnosed in February this year. Life has been a roller coaster since but wake up every morning with a positive outlook.

 After my diagnosis I seem to have been distanced from family and friends. This maybe due to my anxiety and depression of the illness and not being able to talk about it.

 I am feeling healthy and have lots of energy throughout the week days but come crashing down at the weekends for no apparent reason.

  I feel as if I have lots of plans to make and I am striving to fill as much of my time as possible, but feeling that I am not coping with the bad days too well are a worry.

  I know this feeling is part of the condition and healing process but advice is not always received well by myself.

 Can anyone relate?

  • Hi Gary and welcome to Cancer Chat.

    Living with cancer comes with so many challenges so the good and bad days you're experiencing, along with the positive and negative emotions that come with that, is something that our members are very familiar with and I'm sure it won't be long until some of them stop by to offer their support and advice.

    If you'd like to discuss any of this with one of our nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very easy to talk to and will do all they can to address your concerns and support you at this time.

    If you are worried that it's becoming more difficult to cope with the bad days, do consider mentioning this to your medical team and GP, as they will be able to support you and possibly signpost you to services in your local area that can help. I'm not sure if you've come across the cancer charity Maggie's before, but they offer free care and support either online or in one of their many centres across the UK, to anyone who is struggling with their diagnosis, so you could reach out to them as well.

    We're thinking of you Gary and want to reassure you that you are not alone.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you for the kind welcome and words of advice Steph.

      I have been reading some stories on the forum some sad and some inspiring. I have empathy with all and gaining knowledge through other people’s perspectives.

     I will continue to view and hopefully start to interact in the coming weeks.

     I must say that since my diagnosis there are so many people that I have never had any interaction with being so kind and supportive. This gives me motivation not only for myself but will enable me to pass the love back to others.

    kind regards Gary.