My dad has lung cancer

Hi, I'm reaching out for any support out there. My dad has been told he has lung cancer after finding a shadow outside his lung but it's been over a week since they said those words and all he has had since is a pet scan. We are still waiting results to understand more. He is struggling to cope and so are we as a family. We are a close family. My mum is unwell and so my sister and I are trying to keep everything going. 

  • Hello Nettydungey

    I'm sorry to hear that your Dad has recently been told that he has lung cancer. It's obviously a difficult time for you all and I know that many people here will understand the frustration and anxiety that comes with waiting for further investigations and results. 

    Have the team said when you may hear some news regarding your Dad's diagnosis and the recommended treatment plan? Hopefully you won't have to wait too long for information and the team will be able to give you some reassurance. 

    In the meantime you might find it helpful to talk things through with one of our nurses. I know they will be happy to offer any advice, information, and support they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    It sounds from your post as if you have a lot to cope with at the moment with your Mum and sister also being unwell. Don't be afraid to reach out for support. We have some information about taking care of yourself that you may also find helpful. 

    I hope that you all have some news soon. Do let us know how you're getting on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you Jenn,

    Your response means a lot. ️ All support greatly appreciated and welcomed. Having this forum, I can see, is such a wonderful help for those struggling with this terrible disease so firstly thank you to you all for responding to us.

    Dad has had a pet scan and lung function appt and we are now waiting a biopsy. I guess they will then put everything together and give us more information and make a plan for him which he and we are so desperate for. Waiting is unbearable.

    At his lung function test they said he might also have COPD and I think if that could be treated, then his breathlessness will be reduced and he can then do more to stay fit. He wants to focus on being fit as he has been told that this will help with treatment. If he is not fit enough they won't treat him which is frightening for him and us as his loving family.

    I am therefore pushing for this COPD to be treated to make him more comfortable whilst he waits and focuses on his cancer diagnosis and plan.

    It's tough but at the moment I feel determined and focused to get him the help he needs and try to expedite it all.

    Once again thank you Jenn 

    Take care of yourself too. X