My beloved has just been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia, keen to know how bumpy this journey is going to be 

  • It will be bumpy. About 10yrs ago i was diagnosed with AML and went through 4 rounds of chemo. Lots of lovely side effects, drug allergies, sickness, mouth ulcers, of course the hair loss and many others. Staying positive and surrounding yourself with only positive people is a neccesity. Get rid of anyone thats negative or pulls you down. You've got to dig deep to get through all the treatment and the recovery. It was a good 12 months to get back my energy levels after treatment. The fatigue after is hard to describ, you tire so easily at the start. But I achieved full remission. Sadly after 9yrs I had a 2nd diagnosis of AML but this time with a FLT3 marker in my genes meaning it would definately come back without a stem cell transplant. May 2024 say the start of 3 courses of chemo and a stem cell transplant in October 2024. Chemo was the easy part, transplant was another animal altogether. 8 months on I am in remission once again and now battling with the recovery and some little knock backs along the way. Not gonna lie its bloody tough I just want to be able to do things its so much tougher after the transplant i can just about run a hoover round 2 rooms before needing to take a break but I will get there. Just stay positive its beatable