Introduction - recently told my bowel cancer is now incurable

Hi all.

I've just signed up at 04:20 having been enjoying a wonderful sleepless night

Just a quick rundown: Was diagnosed with bowel/lower rectal cancer in February 2023 and was within a whisker of getting the all-clear in October, when things started going Pete tong 

In June this year I was given the dreaded news that I am now terminal with a prognosis of around 2 years.

I have started palliative chemotherapy and find that the two nights with the infusion pump fitted, I basically lay awake all night.

So I'll probably take a look on here every other Thursday and Friday night to while away a bit of time.

  • .  Hiya devonFRATTONiser.   Back in november 2022 I was told that I had about a year to live.  I have now gone 8 months past my 'sell-by date'.  Of course I am very much aware that I am living on borrowed time.  I must admit that most of the time I am okay........but occasionally, if I am awake in the middle of the night, that's when it really hits home that I am dying.  I wish I could offer you some words of comfort, but as one of my friends admitted to me, what on earth do you say to a person that knows that their life is coming to an end?  The only thing I can say to you is that those of us who are in the same boat understand exactly how you are feeling.  You will get your up days and your down days.  I expect that you are still trying to process this dreadful news.  It can take a while for it to fully sink in.  The people here  on this forum are very kind and I drop by from time to time.  I am not here as much as I used to be, because I spend a LOT of time sleeping now, but hopefully you will receive replies from other folks who are terminal and who understand how it feels to be in this situation.   Take care, my thoughts are with you, xx