New to forum - just diagnosed with bladder cancer

Hi yesterday I was told I have bladder cancer, 2 tumours, I’ve had all pre opp stuff done same day and am waiting for CT scan and opp date. I’m 64 had no symptoms except for blood in my urine for an afternoon and then back to normal. I did take a sample into my doctors on the Monday morning and sent pictures in of the test I did at home with the blood that looked like tea before you put any milk in. My doctor called me in for blood test which was normal and then she called me to say she had fast tracked me for the camera thingy. I just want to say how amazing everyone was with me from my doctor to all the staff at the hospital. 
  That now said I am in shock and feeling a bit down today, I’m planning on staying positive and doing all my usual stuff but I have a holiday booked for August and the surgeon asked me to cancel it but I don’t want to as it’s with my whole family, my children and grandchildren, so does anyone have any advice for travel insurance as I will have to tell them ? 

  • Hello Grams64 and a warm welcome to Cancer Chat, 

    I am sorry to hear about your  bladder cancer diagnosis - you did well to take that sample and send pictures of the test you did at home and it looks like things moved really fast and you were looked after really well by your doctor and all the staff at the hospital. It's normal though to be feeling a bit down and a bit still shocked by the news but you are right to try and stay positive, stick to your usual routine and have faith in the medical experts - you seem to be in very capable hands and they are being very thorough which is great. I hope you won't have to wait too long for your CT scan and your operation date. 

    It's tricky really to know what to do regarding your holiday especially if your surgeon suggested that you cancel it but I can understand your reservations given that it's something you had planned to do with your children and grandchildren but I am sure that they would understand that your health comes first so I would suggest you talk to your surgeon/specialist  about it and ask them for their honest professional advice on what the best thing to do would be given your particular circumstances. 

    If you do end up going, it is indeed very important that you seek the right type of travel insurance and this may require a little bit of research. There is information on our website on getting travel insurance and Macmillan also have information on cancer and buying travel insurance. This is a topic that comes up quite a bit on the forum, you may find it helpful to search (using the bar at the top of the page) for other similar discussions or have a look at our Money, Work, Travel topic area where you will find many other travel insurance related threads. I also remembered that another member of our forum  had also posted this bladder cancer and travel insurance thread so you might be able to exchange tips and experiences having both been recently diagnosed with bladder cancer. 

    I hope this helps a little and that you will hear from others who have been in a similar position before and who may have had a similar diagnosis 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator