Newby with adrenal cancer

Hi. I think I introduced myself a while back.  But chickened out,  I have adrenal cancer, but feeling much better and accept things now,  

  • Hi Rora and welcome to the Cancer Chat community.

    Finding out you have cancer can be very scary and overwhelming but I'm really glad you have found a way to come to terms with your diagnosis and manage your emotions.

    Hopefully some of our members who have adrenal cancer will be along soon to offer their support and share their stories with you, but if you have any questions playing on your mind, or feel it may help just to talk things through with someone, then don't hesitate in giving our cancer nurses a call on 0808 800 4040. They're really easy to talk to and will do all they can to help.

    Do keep posting if you find it helps Rora and remember that we will always be here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator