Been told I have breast cancer and getting my biopsy results tomorrow. What can I expect?

Hi I found a lump 6 weeks ago and  I have been told I have breast cancer from the consultant. Tomorrow I have to go for my biopsy results and I'm scared. I'm trying to be brave for my friends and family but really I'm freaking out on the inside. Any advice for me on what to expect???

Thanks Debs 

  • Hi Debs, having been in this position recently myself, I thought I’d share my experience.

    I was also told at my first referral appointment on the 24th of May that my lump was sinister after having a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsies taken and the wait for my biopsy results was the worse, the unknown really did impact me.

    On the 5th of June I returned for my biopsy results, I did take my husband with me and I recommended if you can, to have someone with you, not only for support but to listen to what’s being said as it does become a blur and overwhelming with information. 

    on arrival at my appointment me and my husband was called through to a room, we sat waiting for the consultant to discuss my results, when the door opened, the consultant a breast nurse and a 3rd lady ( cannot remember her role) walked in and although I was told at my initial appointment it was sinister, the three professionals walking in I knew it wasn’t news I really wanted.

    The consultant discussed why the biopsies were taken and it wasn’t news I wanted to hear as it was confirmed breast cancer, it was discussed the type of cancer ( mine is hormone receptive) and that initially I was pre booked for surgery but I was also waiting on further results ( HER2) and that treatment plans will be put in place but can also change results depending. 

    I was invited back two days later to have a full conversation with my breast nurse, this is for her to go through everything in more depth and detail and if I had any questions having being told the news a couple of days before. This was a gap between appointments to enable me to digest what had been said and for us to get our heads around it to.

    This appointment was really valuable, I was there about 2 hours and the breast nurse allowed me to record our conversation as again there is so much going on in your head you cannot comprehend it all, and recording it allows you to go back and review what was said.

    My breast cancer in invasive ductal , my lymph nodes appear clear but I await the results following surgery as they removed a sample set for microscopic review to ensure no cancer is present. 

    I had surgery on the 27th of June, and await my results of the margins being clear from where my cancer was and also the lymph nodes, my review is on the 23rd of July. I know all timelines are different at each trust but just to give you an idea. 

    the worst part in all of this is the unknown and waiting for what’s next, but please be reassured the anxiety and worry does ease as you learn to understand what’s required to be done etc. 

    I still don’t know my treatment plan following surgery but hopefully that will be known in the next week or two. 

    If you need a chat this forum is fantastic and helped me at the beginning of my diagnosis and I come to read others stories as the advise on them posts also help and many others are having the same thoughts and questions. 

    I hope your appointment goes well, please let us know when you are ready to how you are and how you get on

    good luck 

    Take care C x