Atrial fibrillation - possible side effect of Abiraterone

I have been on HT (Abiraterone) for 9 months and, after an Angina attack, have been diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation which I read can be a side effect of the HT. Anyone else had this and any advice on management?

  • Hi RMF, 

    I am sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. There is information on our website on abiraterone and "heart problems such as heart failure, fast or irregular heartbeat, or chest pain that keeps coming back (angina)" are indeed mentioned as an occasional side effect. It's worth talking to your doctor about this if you haven't done so already so that they can give you the best possible medical advice on how to manage this. 

    I hope that you will hear from other members of our community who have been on abiraterone and who experienced this type of side effect and that they will be along shortly to tell you more about how they managed it. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Welcome RMF to the forum.

     I too have been on Aberaterone since October, although I have had several ablations to cure my Afib before I started taking it, luckily it has not returned.

     I am on blood thinners and beta blockers, so far so good.

     However I do have other side effects. I was given a different brand of aberaterone in December and I could hardly walk, it aggravated my mild hip arthritis. Back to normal once I returned to my original brand.

    Could you try a different brand of aberaterone to see if that changes things?  

    Best of luck,  Justin.

  • Offline in reply to Jpmf40

    Many thanks for your reply, Justin. I hadn't realised that there was more than one brand of Abiraterone, certainly worth exploring should I get any more AF.

    Keep taking the tablets, all the best!