I’m so anxious
I can hardly eat , sleep or function
I went to the ED due to pain in my left side and nausea
They were fantastic and ordered a abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound which showed a simple cyst in my left ovary but also an incidental finding of a cystic lesion with its own blood supply surrounding my urethra
The dr explained that it was very small 4mm but said an MRI would be needed
3 days later I’m having the MRI and on my way there the post came, I opened the letter from the hospital regarding my notes and it said that the cyst is 4 cms ……
this has sent me spiralling completely
Part of me thinks I need to think positive but the other part of me is thinking that I need to prepare myself for the worst
How do you cope with the waiting for results ? I feel so alone and don’t want to keep crying in front of my family but at times I feel so overwhelmed
I’d be so grateful for any tips , advice or suggestions
many thanks
Rach x