Dad just diagnosed with Urothelial cancer

New here, thought I’d join as completely at a loss with everything at the moment. My dad was first told about 2 masses on his kidneys a few weeks ago and they said they were operable. Now it’s terminal and there’s nothing they can do even if he’d been 20years younger. He was meant to be leaving hospital and care put in place as they don’t know how long he has but now there’s one setback after another. He is now bleeding internally and they don’t know why. I’m scared for him. In fact I’m just scared in general.

  • A very warm welcome to the Cancer Chat forum Chocchipcookie although I'm so sorry to hear about your dad.

    I can't begin to imagine how difficult and scary this must be for the both of you but our community are here for you and I'm sure it won't be long until some of our members stop by to offer you their support and advice.

    I really do hope the doctors have discovered the cause of the internal bleeding since you made this post chocchipcookie, and that it's now under control, but if you would like to discuss your dad's situation in more detail with one of our cancer nurses, they're just a phone call away on 0808 800 4040. Their phone line are open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they will do all they can to answer any questions you may have and support you at this time.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator