
Hi my name is michelle and I was diagnosed with cholangiocaecinoma in march, within two weeks I was operated on having 60% of my liver removed. Gallbladder removed, right bile duct removed, edge of the portal vein removed and re sectioned and my bowel resectioned.

i started capbetacine chemotherapy (tablets) on July 1st which is two weeks of daily tablets one week off. Nect week is my week if so I’ve completed one cycle yay seven more to go!

I’ve been tired and nauseous, oh and my skin is itchy. One thing I’ve noticed is my scalp feels sore tingly and itchy, they say rounding lose your hair on this type of chemotherapy but having the sore scalp does this mean I will? 

I am wondering if anyone has lost their hair on this chemotherapy drug and what other side affects have you experienced. I know it affects everyone differently but it would be interesting to hear from other cancer warriors.

sending everyone going through this love ️ light healing ️‍ and prayers