In a daze - After being cancer free since 2019, a tumour has been found in my lung

Hello everyone. My cancer story started in 1993 at the age of 44 diagnosis of breast cancer, Had a right side mastectomy and 6 months of chemotherapy goes back to work and my boss noticed a swelling through my uniform, The outcome was another tumour at top of my arm 6months of radiotherapy later I was a broken down wreck...... Fast forward to 2019 diagnosis of bowel cancer operation was successful but with a few worries because of covid I didn't have any follow up....... The bowel doctor's after a bit of prompting seen me again sent me for a scan it came back that I have tumour in my right lung...... Told this in a phone call 3 weeks ago heard nothing since don't know who to talk to I'm a mess also lost my Husband 2 years ago to lung cancer..... X

  • Hello Miltonmaid and welcome to the Cancer Chat forum.

    I'm so sorry to hear how many times you've had to deal with cancer in your life, including the loss of your husband to lung cancer two years ago.

    I can't begin to imagine what you have gone through over the years, but our community are here for you Miltonmaid and I'm sure it won't be long until our members stop by to offer their support and advice.

    If you'd like to talk any of this through with one of our cancer nurses, please do give them a call on 0808 800 4040. Their phone lines are open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they will do all they can to help you at this time.

    Hopefully you will hear something soon, but if not, don't hesitate to get in touch with your GP so they can chase this up for you.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator