New to group with diagnosed sclerosis

Hi I am a 72 year old, recently retired, living in Hampshire. I am lucky enough to have a small place in Spain. I drive there a couple of times a year. 

For the last couple of years I have suffered discomfort moving my foot from accelerator to brake and increasing difficulty with hip pain. 

My GP sent me for a hip X-ray on 3 June. The result came through 2 days ago. It is reported to my GP As follows

Test date
3 June 2024

Healthcare professional's comment
XR Hip Rt : Early degenerative changes are seen within both hip joints. The sacroiliac joints are fairly well preserved. Degeneration is seen with the lower lumbar spine. Scattered throughout the pelvis and proximal left pelvis there are several areas of sclerosis. Although these are likely benign cannot rule out bony metastasis. Is there a history of carcinoma?

My GP has just prescribed a drug to help a prostate problem  I have stage 4 liver fibrosis (non alcoholic fatty liver) and have had pre cancerous cell bowel polyps removed although my last screen 2 years ago was clear.

I can’t get an appointment with my GP for another 4 weeks  

The potential seriousness of this is a worry but I can’t put this into context without a more informed opinion

is there anyone who has this condition or knows about it able to advise on the urgency of the matter and what to do or expect. How will they check whether the sclerosis is benign or not and if not what happens.

im sorry if I sound a bit panicked but I expected the joints to be worn a bit but the rest of it has quite taken me by surprise.

Very grateful for any comments 
