Here under duress ;)

G'day all

I moved from UK to sunny Cyprus just under a year ago, and since being here have certainly not been living the dream!  Haven't been well since arrival and eventually managed to be seen via Cypriot medical professionals.  Anyhoos, long story short, have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, however, during the biopsy they detected it's also spread to other areas.......

Don't have any family or real friends as such out here as am living alone so that in itself is a tad daunting being in a foreign country.  Has been extremely difficult as there is no 'buffer zone' as such ie go to person like GP in UK.  I am pushed from pillar to post visiting all different ologists and no main person to organise me.  Am liaising with so many different medical professionals and it's getting me down with the contact struggle.

Tired of being provided with conflicting information...... was told that once cancer diagnosed I would not have to pay for further treatment out here, and then discover that following chemo, if I require surgery I will have to pay.  Have exhausted already my excess with private health care and payment of surgery will be cost prohibitive!

It's been suggested that I travel back to UK to undergo treatment but I have nowhere to stay and unsure of how long I'll need to reside in UK.  It's all so up in the air. 

If all the above seems confusing, it's because recent conversation I had with consultant has left me feeling just this.

Have omitted a lot on here as don't wish to bore anyone, and to be honest I'm totally drained mentally and physically and pretty much am losing the will to live.

Thank you all for listening.

  • Hello incognito13,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat and thanks for posting.

    I'm sorry to hear about your experience and how this is affecting you. It's not easy trying to get the care that you want in a foreign country, where you're not used to the processes, so you've done amazingly well so far. If you aren't already, it might help to make a note of the conversations you're having with the doctors so you can keep track. It'll also help you to challenge any conflicting information you might be getting. You mentioned you don't have friends or family out in Cyprus, but are there people close to you in the UK that could help you coordinate things over here? There is some information on coming to the UK from overseas for treatment, which I hope is useful. There is the Cyprus Anti Cancer Society, which might provide you with further support. 

    It's natural that while all this is happening you'd feel overwhelmed and confused, we have plenty of guidance and advice on cancer and mental health, which you can refer to at anytime.

    Our cancer nurses are also available to speak to on the phone if you ever need. You can call on the freephone 0808 800 4040, lines are open 9 to 5 Monday to Friday.

    I hope this helps,

    Moderator Anastasia