Was recalled after a routine mammogram last week and after several more mammograms ultrasound biopsy & placement of titanium marker was told it’s likely DCIS and I will need surgery. Get my results Tuesday and cannot stop googling even though the nurse told me not to! Such a worrying time,have very small breasts so believe I’ll need a mastectomy and likely radiotherapy followed by hormone therapy if it’s hormone receptive so thinking my appointment will just confirm the treatment plan I’ve managed to form in my mind from all I’ve read. Have a headache from all the stress and struggling to focus on anything else. Thankfully off work til after my appointment but really and truly I’d be better off at work if I could just concentrate . Deep down I’m scared I’ll have to have chemotherapy and lose my hair which is pure vanity I know.im already immuno suppressed due to being on an injectable Biologic long term and I’m concerned surgery might have to be delayed due to this which could crude the cancer to spread!!im overthinking everything ,it’s ridiculous but I can’t stop it!! Just want to know now………..next Tuesday can’t come soon enough