All sorts - currently awaiting scan to find out if I have endometrial cancer

Hi am having a tough time with nerves at the moment awaiting a internal scan on Sunday for endometrial cancer as had a very heavy long bleed after 14 years of no periods had menopause at 28 started my periods very young at 8 so got all the usual symptoms back ache weight loss no appetite tired all the time and if that wasn’t enough doctor noticed birth mark on my leg was not normal so had an incisional biopsy on that and awaiting the results so to say I don’t know if I’m coming or going is a bit of an understatement lol trying to stay positive and reading people stories if defiantly a help 

  • There’s quite a few us here… I have my mri on Sunday after having the hysteroscopy last Saturday. Feels like forever ago … they know it’s cancer. It’s a scary place to be isn’t it? We have to stay strong … every day we take life granted so at least we can living our lives consciously, making sure each day counts. I’ve spent my week putting my affairs in order, making sure I’ve left everything for my daughters to administer as easily as possible. Writing a new will today … should’ve done these things sooner because now it feels like I’m preparing for death instead of preparing for living, 

    try and be proactive … I find it very hard not to be in control of matters so planning ahead at least keeps me in control of the things I can control. I too am scared. Positive thoughts to you x