Hello fellow travelers

Hi everyone , im new to this group , i hope i can meet new people who are going through similar experiences as myself . We are all on a similar journey , hospital visits , treatments , waiting for results . Its a scary journey , but one made easier by talking about it with others who understand . My diagnosis is multiple myeloma, im in remission now but having lots of bone pain and ive forgotten what sleep is , unless its daytine and i nod off all the time !!!  Please say hi, cos im a newbie here . 

  • Hello Sandra03

    Welcome to the forum although I'm sorry to hear about the journey that has led you to find us. As you say, it's a scary path to travel but one that undoubtedly can be made easier by connecting with others who understand some of what we have to endure. 

    We have lots of members here who are living with different diagnoses. Don't be afraid to post on other people's threads if you read something that strikes a chord with you. Hopefully you'll be able to connect with other forum members and offer support to each other along your respective pathways. 

    If you want to talk with one of our nurses at any point you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice and support they can. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Jenn thanku for your warm welcome xx